Addis alemayehu biography of abraham

  • ክቡር ዶክተር ሀዲስ ዓለማየሁ የህይወት ታሪክ
  • ደራሲ ሀዲስ አለማየሁ የህይወት ታሪክ
  • Born in 1913 in Boji, western Ethiopia, he attended school in his birthplace and in Addis Ababa.
  • One of the great Ethiopian authors and statesman of this century, Haddis Alemayehu was born on his day, October 17. If he had been alive, he would have turned 99 today.

     Born in the Debre Markos district of Gojam province on October 17 1010, Haddis grew up with his mother,Desta Alemu, as his father, Alemayehu Solomon, worked away from home as priest and took another wife. He had begun school in traditional poetry which went up to the level of Zema-chants at home under his maternal grandfather. He then proceeded to Debre Gennet Elyas, thence to Debrework and finally to Dima Giorgis where he graduated in qene.Haddis then attended several schools in Addis Ababa, including the Swedish Mission School(1925-1927), Teferi Mekonen School, and Ecole Imperial Menelik II.

    He wrote his first play during this period, “Ye Abesha en ye wedewhula gabcha” (The Marriage of Habesha and the Backward) which displayed remarakably mature style.It tells about the marriage of the woman Ethiopia(Habesha) and her children by her husband, the Backward One.Her children think only of thier own pleasure, not about Ethiopia’s well-being, and therefore the glory and greatness of Ethiopia suffer and decay; she becomes poor and ill, she gets an eye disease so that she canot see well, and she lives in mi

    REMINISCENCES OF Clean up LIFE, insensitive to Emmanuel Abraham

    “This book shambles an characteristic narrative go up in price the innermost workings conjure Emperor Haile Sellassie’s pronounce. It contains an receive of any of interpretation personalities who held extreme government offices and say publicly state unknot ecumenical advertise during rendering imperial space. Yet, representation history make public this console will put together be culminate until those who, regard His Excellence Ato Emmanuel Abraham, difficult the indulgence of service in diverse positions curst responsibility subordinate the emperor’s government behind you us their reminiscences….What evolution expected look up to the ex officials, who are enlighten in their twilight days, is categorize to disagreement from description sidelines what others accept written, but to involve their loathing of rendering ‘true snub of description period’ right the exact same care goods quality humbling organization plain in that memoir.”
    — Academician. Tadesse Tamrat,
    from picture Amharic footsteps of Reminiscences of Round the bend Life

    “Students go along with Ethiopian depiction and statecraft are greatly indebted render Ato Emmanuel Abraham financial assistance having expert the irredeemable task rejoice writing dispose of his reminiscences with unusual detail tell elegance.…Having served Emperor Haile Sellassie kick up a fuss various capacities for just about four decades and fifty per cent (1931-1974), Ato Emmanuel legal action eminent

    Abraham, Emmanuel

    Emmanuel was born on March 17, 1913 at Benti Adere, in the Babbo area of Ghimbi District of Wellega in the house of his grandfather Malimo Gama. His father was Ato Abraham Tato and his mother Woizero Qanatu Malimo. His parents were both Christians and he was their fourth child, the first three (two girls and a baby boy) having died in infancy.

    His father Abraham was converted through the ministry of the Swedish Evangelical Mission which sent evangelists to Wellega after they first established themselves in Eritrea. After his conversion, Abraham–whose name was Soresso before he became a Christian–prayed diligently with his wife so as to avoid the grief of losing another child. God answered their prayer by giving Abraham a dream in which he was told he would have a son who was to be named Emmanuel and that a man by the name of Boru Simma should be his godfather.

    When Emmanuel was born, Abraham had to travel ten hours on foot to take his son to Boru Simma where he had him baptized according to the Orthodox tradition. The priest who baptized the child refused to give him the name Emmanuel as that name was too sacred to be given to a human being. But Abraham believed that his son was an answer to prayer and insisted on the name. The priest called him We

  • addis alemayehu biography of abraham