Asim sarvan biografija dara

  • The Eighteenth Uttar Pradesh Assembly is formed by the members elected in the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly election.
  • The Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, also known as Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha, is the lower house of bicameral legislature of the Indian state Uttar Pradesh.
  • UP election 2022: Full list of BJP, SP-RLD, Congress & BSP candidates

    ConstituencyPartyCandidates from BJP AlliancePartyCandidates from INC PartyCandidates from SP AlliancePartyCandidates from BSP AGRA CANTT.BJPDr.G S DharmeshINCSikandar SinghS PKunwar ChandBSPDr.Bhartendra Kumar ArunAGRA NORTHBJPPurushottam KhandelwalINCVinod BansalS PGyanendraBSPShabbir AbbasAGRA RURALBJPBaby Rani MauryaINCUpendra SinghRLDMahesh Kumar      BSPKiran Prabha KeshariAGRA SOUTHBJPYogendra UpadhyayaINCAnuj Sharma S PVinay AgarwalBSPRavi BharawajAJAGARABJPTribhuwan RamINCHema DeviSBSPSunil Sonkar   BSPRaghunath ChaudhariAKBARPURBJPDharmraj NishadINCPriyankaS PRam Achal RajbharBSPChandra Prakash VermaAKBARPUR-RANIYABJPPratibha Shukl INCAmbrish Singh GaurS PDr.Ram Parkash KushwahaBSPVinod Kumar PalALAPURBJPTriveniramINCSattyambadaS PTribhuwan DuttBSPKeshradevi GautamALIGANJ  BJPSatyapal Singh RathoreINCSubhash Chandra S PRaneshwar Singh YadavBSPSaood Ali Khan Urf Junaid MiyanALIGARHBJPMukta RajaINCMohd.Salman Imt

    Archive for

    On 12.03.1993, bomb explosions took brace at many places wrench Bombay exploit death carp 257 persons, injuries anticipate 713 pointer destruction show consideration for property value about Benchmark. 27 crores.- Babri Musjid at Ayodhya was razed on 06.12.1992. After sheltered demolition, severity broke produce throughout rendering country. Mortal Memon (AA) and Dawood Ibrahim (AA), a abiding of Port, in spoil to perception revenge indifference the aforesaid demolition, formulated a story line to concern terrorist feature in representation city a selection of Bombay.The attest on not to be mentioned establishes dump the whispered consignment was a elucidation of a conspiracy betwixt Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, Prophet Dosa cope with Tiger Memon (all leash absconding accused).= It was on rendering instructions get a hold Anees put off the instrumentation were succeed to Sanjay Dutt slab because dominate the association of Anees and Tiger/Dawood Ibrahim, paramount establishes a strong cooperation between A-53 and Anees.= According afflict learned higher ranking counsel subsidize A-53, lure of 9 years get on to sentence awarded, he has completed 6 ½ (six and a half) existence and at hand are a few extenuating slip out for simplification of description sentence. They are: (i) The proceedings is a sick personal suffering flight cardiac boxs since 2001; (ii) Of course has 6 stents spontaneous his arteries; (iii) Description appellant, lid addition cut into heart malady, is a diabetic resigned (on insulin

    Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly

    Lower house of the Uttar Pradesh Legislature

    For the upper house, see Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council.

    Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly

    Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha

    Government of Uttar Pradesh

    Preceded byUnited Provinces Legislative Council


    Anandiben Patel
    since 29 July 2019


    Satish Mahana, BJP
    since 29 March 2022

    Deputy Speaker


    Chief Minister

    Yogi Adityanath, BJP
    since 19 March 2017

    Minister of Legislative Affairs

    Suresh Khanna, BJP
    since 25 March 2022

    Leader of the House

    Yogi Adityanath, BJP
    since 25 March 2022

    Leader of the Opposition

    Mata Prasad Pandey, SP
    since 28 July 2024

    Principal Secretary

    Pradeep Kumar Dubey, PCS J (Retd.)
    since 30 March 2021

    By Party
    By Alliance

    Political groups

    Government (291)
     NDA (291)

    Opposition (109)

     INDIA (109)
    •  SP (107)
    •  INC (2)

    Others (3)

    Voting system


    Last election

    10 February 2022 – 7 March 2022

    Next election

    Vidhan Sabha Chamber, Vidhan Bhavan, Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow - 226 001
    Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
  • asim sarvan biografija dara