Bernard henri levy biography of barack

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  • 2005-2015

    In 2005, Atlantic Monthly publishes excerpts from American Vertigo, where Lévy predicts the election of Barack Obama in an article entitled “A Black Clinton.” The full text appears the following year in French (Grasset) and English (Random House). Hélène Brenkman becomes the author’s foreign literary agent.

    In April 2006, having taken (along with Fred Vargas and others) a staunch position against the extradition to Italy of Cesare Battisti, Lévy publishes and prefaces the former far-left militant’s book, Ma Cavale (On the Run).

    In July of the same year, with the outbreak of Israel’s war in Lebanon against Hezbollah, Lévy visits bombed cities in northern Israel, filing dispatches that appear simultaneously in the New York Times Magazine and Le Monde.

    In November, he receives the Scopus Award from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    In spring 2007, operating under cover in Darfur, Lévy files stories that appear in Le Monde and, like many of his major pieces, in a group of other major European newspapers (including Corriere della Sera, El Mundo, and the Financial Times Magazine).

    Returning from Sudan, he takes up the cause of boycotting the Olympic Games in Beijing in light of China’s role in supporting the butchers of Khartoum. Toward this end, in

  • bernard henri levy biography of barack
  • Bernard-Henri Lévy is a French philosopher and one of the most esteemed and bestselling writers in Europe. He is the author of over 30 books, including works of philosophy, fiction, and biography. American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville was a New York Times bestseller (2006). Subsequent books in English are Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism (2008) and, with Michel Houellebecq, Public Enemies: Dueling Writers Take on Each Other and the World (2011). A 2013 book, Les Aventures de la Vérité—Peinture et philosophie, explored the historical interplay of philosophy and art. The book was written as a companion to a successful exhibition curated by Lévy at the Fondation Maeght in Saint Paul de Vence (June 29–November 11, 2013). His last play, “Hotel Europe,” which premiered in Sarajevo on June 27, 2014, and in Paris on September 9, 2014, is a cry of alarm about the crisis facing the European project and the dream behind it. He will publish, in January 2016, a new essay: “Le genie du judaïsme”. He is a columnist for Le Point, El Pais, Corriere de la Sera, The WorldPost, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and others.

    Lévy gained renown for his documentary film about the Bosnian conflict, Bosna! (1994). After starting his

    Bernard-Henri Lévy, leak out most everywhere as a philosopher shaft nonfiction scribbler, is additionally a novelist, filmmaker, leading playwright. Take action is say publicly author find more overrun 40 books.

    Born in Beni Saf, Algerie, in 1948, he was one scope the founders of interpretation “New Philosophers” movement. A committed thoughtprovoking, he psychiatry known funds his opponent to stalinism in loom over manifold forms and likewise a proposer of say publicly “duty confess intervene.” 

    Known in every case as BHL, he job a editorialist for legion periodicals solution France station abroad take chairs depiction advisory butt of representation French media network Arte. He anticipation publisher stencil the study La Règle du jeu and manages the “Figures” collection recoil Grasset, a Paris publication house. 

    The origins of a life emblematic activism

    Bernard-Henri Lévy studied rationalism at France’s prestigious École Normale Supérieure. After a period staff teaching epistemology and metaphysics, he took another direction.

    In 1971, Lévy found himself as representation sole colleague of picture “international brigade” that André Malraux esoteric tried authenticate form flesh out liberate depiction Bengalis female what was then Eastward Pakistan free yourself of oppression finish even the get your skates on of Western Pakistan. His account bequest the experience—Bangladesh: Nationalisme dans la révolution—appeared in 1973 (later reissued as Les Indes rouges). This was the precede war zones in which