Edwin arlington robinson birth date

  • Edwin arlington robinson born
  • How did edwin arlington robinson die
  • Edwin arlington robinson most famous poem
  • Creator: Robinson, Edwin Arlington,

    Title: Letter to Robinson Jeffers

    Item Date: 3 October

    Material Type: Manuscript

    Curatorial Department: Manuscripts Collection

    Collection Name: Robinson Jeffers Collection

    Stack Location: Recipient: Robinson, Edwin Arlington

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    Summary Bibliography: King Arlington Robinson

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    • Author: Edwin Metropolis Robinson Author Record #
    • Birthplace: Head Tide, Lawyer County, Maine, USA
    • Birthdate: 22 Dec
    • Deathdate: 6 April
    • Language: English
    • Webpages:, Library slant Congress, , Wikipedia-EN
    • Used These Alternate Names:

      &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;?Edwin Arlington Robinson

    • Author Tags:arthurian (2), ghosts (1), Merlin (1), Vivien (1), Lancelot (1), King Character (1), Guenevere (1), Character (1)

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    On December 22nd, , Edwin Arlington Robinson was born to Edwin Robinson and Mary Elizabeth Palmer in Head Tide, Maine. Growing up he lived in a town on the Kennecbec River called Gardiner, Maine. In a lot of his later poetry he bases a fictional town, Tilbury Town, on Gardiner. His family, which also consisted of two other brothers, lived moderately on his father's income, who worked as an important timber merchant. Robinson started seriously writing poetry at age 11, and was a talented writer for someone his age.

    Despite his father's wishes, Robinson attended Harvard for two years, but had to leave because his family's money was running short. In his father died, resulting in Robinson and his family becoming quite poor. Later in his mother died of a serious illness. Some of Robinson's poetry grew from these unfortunate incidents.

    After leaving Harvard, Robinson moved to New York City, and lived in Greenwich Village, in a house where many other artists and writers had once lived. He was very poor during this time, and didn't have much to support himself at all. He could basically carry all of his worldly possessions in one backpack.

    In the 's he began to publish some of his poetry, mostly with the help of some of his friends. His first two books were "Th
  • edwin arlington robinson birth date