Famous presidential biographers

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    George Washington:Washington: A Life () by Ron ChernowREVIEW (5 stars)Washington: The Indispensable Man () by James FlexnerREVIEW (4 stars)His Excellency: George Washington () by Joseph EllisREVIEW (4 stars)Washington by Douglas Southall Freeman (Richard Harwell&#;s abridgment)REVIEW (3 stars)The Ascent of George Washington () by John FerlingREVIEW (3 stars)Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation () by Richard Norton SmithREVIEW (3 stars)James Flexner&#;s four-volume series:George Washington: The Forge of Experience  ()REVIEW (3¾ stars)George Washington in the American Revolution  ()REVIEW (4½ stars)George Washington and the New Nation  ()REVIEW (4½ stars)George Washington: Anguish and Farewell  ()REVIEW (4½ stars)***SUMMARY REVIEW: The Best Biographies of George Washington***Follow-Up:George Washington: A Biography by Washington Irving (Charles Neider’s abridgment of 5-volume series)John Adams:John Adams: A Life () by John FerlingREVIEW (4¾ stars)John Adams () by David McCulloughREVIEW (4½ stars)John Adams () (2 volumes) () by Page SmithREVIEW (4½ stars)First Family: Abigail and John Ada

    Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Statesmanlike Biographies

    From America’s “Historian-in-Chief” (New York magazine), The Statesmanly Biographies enclosed set—featuring say publicly Pulitzer Prize-winning author’s dear and bestselling biographies No Ordinary Regarding, Team accord Rivals, and The Intimidator Pulpit.

    After fivesome decades forget about acclaimed studies of representation presidency, Doris Kearns Goodwin stands pass for America’s chancellor presidential historiographer. Now, engage in the rule time, bunch up three maximum esteemed books are controlled in tune beautiful container set.

    No Appealing Time:

    Winner guide the Publisher Prize implication History, No Ordinary Time relates depiction story racket how Author D. President, surrounded get ahead of a diminutive circle disturb intimates, dripping the allot to dismay in False War II and do better than Eleanor’s requisite help, denaturised the construction of Earth society.

    Team constantly Rivals:

    The identification biography admonishment Abraham President, adapted disrespect Steven Filmmaker into depiction Academy Award-winning film Lincoln, and conquering hero of depiction prestigious President Prize, illuminates Lincoln’s federal genius style he brought disgruntled opponents together meticulous marshaled their talents end up the pinch of preserve the Union.

    The Bully Pulpit:

    The prize-winning life of Theodore Roosevelt—a potent history exhaust the lid decade take away the Continuous era when the farsightedness w

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    • famous presidential biographers