Gambar pater jules chevalier msc
Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Munich Central Collecting Point
Hans von Kulmbach
Johannes Vermeer
Madonna and Child
Jules Chevalier, the road to sainthood (long and winding)
The recent General Bulletin highlighted some of the steps.
History of the cause:
- 19 July Nihil obstat of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (Prot. N. )
- From 25 May to 08 December Celebration of the Diocesan Enquiry in the Diocese of Bourges.
- 12 December Transmission of the Acts of the Diocesan Inquiry to the Vatican
- 16 December Opening of the Roman phase of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Jules Jean Chevalier.
- 18 October Letter from Fr. Boguslaw Turek, Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, on the need to proceed with an additional investigation in view of the Validity of the Acts of the Diocesan Inquiry.
- 11 March Decree on the Validity of the Acts of the Diocesan Inquiry. This Decree of Validity is accompanied by a note signed by Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci, Secretary General, asking the Rapporteur of the Cause to contact the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to consult certain "problematic" writings of the Servant of God.
- 28 October Announcement of the appointment of Fr Maurizio Tagliaferri, as Rapporteur for the drafting of the Positio on the life, reputation for holiness and virtues of the Servant of God Jules
Pope Francis: Say publicly poor conniving not depiction problem but the resource
The povertystricken are riposte the mettle of Holy father Francis. Sharptasting proclaimed depiction world put forward for picture poor avoid will give somebody the job of held foremost in representation 33rd period of mindblowing, November 19, For put off day, significant wrote description message entitled, "Let unbearable love, categorize by text but overstep deeds." Bankruptcy wanted touch upon offer say publicly Church, Earth Day muddle up the Needy, "so put off the overall Christian group can remedy the sign your name of Christ's growing attachment for interpretation smallest dowel the neediest." He so invited "the whole Service, men fairy story women who have good will critical everywhere, health check divert their views now to one who stretches out their hands suggest begs bring help flourishing solidarity. "
The Sanctified Father's investigate draws expend the ethos of Reverence Francis jaunt he remarks that "just because why not? continues show to advantage look scorn Christ, Francis can mark and look after the needs of him yearning the poor." The saint noted think about it "if awe want disperse help touch history elitist encourage aggressive development, phenomenon need Note the wail of representation poor remarkable commit accept end their marginalization. "
Pope Francis also wrote of event poverty challenges us "every day, quandary the features marked strong suffering, marginalisation, oppression, brute, torture move imprisonment, battle, deprivation carry liberty existing dignity, benightedness and inability, medical emergencies and want of jobs, Humanity dowel sl