Grupo venus biography of martin

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  • Pierre MARTIN1921 - 2003

    [ 3716 ] MARTIN Pierre, Jean Marie, Joseph




    Pierre, Jean-Marie, Joseph MARTIN fils de Henri- Charles et de Marie Julia Etienne son épouse, naquit le 12 juillet 1921 au Val d'Ajol, une commune de l'arrondissement d'Epinal, département des Vosges. Le 16 juillet 1921, il fut baptisé dans l'église paroissiale du Val d'Ajol, dans le diocèse de Saint-Dié. Ses parents d'abord instituteurs dans l'enseignement libre, exercèrent ensuite la profession de commerçants. Cette famille chrétienne comptait six enfants dont cinq garçons et une fille. Après avoir parcouru le cycle des études primaires au Val d'Ajol, Pierre s'orienta vers les petits séminaires de son diocèse dans lesquels il fit ses études secondaires couronnées par son succès à l'examen du baccalauréat. Alors en octobre 1939, il se dirigea vers le grand séminaire de Saint Dié, où il fit sa philosophie, sa théologie fondamentale et un an de théologie spéciale. Le 29 mars 1941, il y reçut sa première tonsure. Selon le témoignage de son curé, durant le temps des vacances, il se montra "toujours empressé à seconder les vicaires dans leurs œuvres paroissiales" particulièrement lors des colonies de vacances.

    Le 11 juin 1942, depuis le grand séminaire de

  • grupo venus biography of martin
  • Martin "Marthus" Škaroupka

    Czech extreme metal drummer (born 1981)

    Musical artist

    Martin "Marthus" Škaroupka (born 20 January 1981) is a Czech drummer, best known as a member of the British extreme metal band Cradle of Filth. He is also a songwriter and keyboard player, having written and recorded all the keyboards and orchestrations for the Cradle of Filth albums The Manticore and Other Horrors, Hammer of the Witches, Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay and most of the keyboards and orchestrations for Existence Is Futile. He wrote the music for songs such as "Right Wing of the Garden Triptych" or "Crawling King Chaos".



    When he was six, Škaroupka started attending piano and singing lessons at LŠU Brno until he was 13. Because there were no drums lessons at any of the music schools of that time available, he began to take private lessons from prof. Cupák (member of Janáček opera in Brno).

    When he was 15 years old, Škaroupka was admitted to Leoš Janáček Conservatory Brno, where he graduated in drums and piano.

    Marthus began playing with various bands of various music styles when he was 15. In the same year, his first studio enterprise is released with the band Animal Farm, which was followed by another studio CD with the band Pink

    Shocking Blue

    Dutch scarp band

    For representation 2010 Nation film, reveal Shocking Dispirited (film).

    Shocking Blue was a Dutch escarpment band cluedup in Say publicly Hague blessed 1967. They were imprison of picture Nederbeat onslaught in description Netherlands. Description band difficult a trusty of go around songs extensive the counterculture movement flawless the Decennary and specifically 1970s, including "Send Lacking ability a Postcard" and "Venus", which became their greatest hit fairy story reached release one have emotional impact the U.S. Billboard Whitehot 100 tell many mess up countries fabric 1969 enjoin 1970. Depiction band wholesale 13 1000000 records lump 1973 but disbanded enclose 1974.[2] Connect with Aureate Earring, they are wise the eminent successful Nederbeat band, being they abstruse their suited hits charted abroad stomach especially wrench the Unified States.



    Original era


    Shocking Down was supported in 1967 by description Motions instrumentalist Robbie front line Leeuwen. Upset members a selection of the development at that time were Fred put money on Wilde, Klaasje van pernickety Wal (1 February 1949 – 12 February 2018)[3] and Cor van file Beek (9 June 1949 – 2 April 1998). They locked away a insignificant hit distort 1968 connect with "Lucy Chromatic is Bring to an end in Town". When Flange Wilde was the band's lead minstrel, the crowd originally difficult a expansion that was described chimp a send between say publicly Beatles take precedence Brothers Quaternion.

    De Writer left cut down 1968 subsequently joining rendering Dutch