Hone tuwhare biography sample

  • Hone Tuwhare was one of New Zealand's best-known and best-loved writers, who stood at the intersection of two cultures, Māori and Pākehā.
  • Hone Tuwhare was New Zealand's most distinguished Māori poet writing in English.
  • Born in 1922, Tuwhare grew up close to the Northland town of Kaikohe.
  • Hone Tuwhare

    New Zealand poet

    Hone Tuwhare

    Tuwhare during his service with in Japan with J Force following the end of World War II

    BornHone Peneamine Anatipa Te Pona Tuwhare
    (1922-10-21)21 October 1922
    Kaikohe, New Zealand
    Died16 January 2008(2008-01-16) (aged 85)
    Dunedin, New Zealand

    Hone Peneamine Anatipa Te Pona Tuwhare (21 October 1922 – 16 January 2008) was a noted MāoriNew Zealand poet. He is closely associated with The Catlins in the Southland region of New Zealand, where he lived for the latter part of his life.

    Early years


    Tuwhare was born in Kaikohe, Northland, into the Ngāpuhi tribe (hapū Ngati Korokoro, Ngāti Tautahi, Te Popoto, Te Uri-o-Hua). Following the death of his mother, his family shifted to Auckland, where Hone attended primary schools in Avondale, Māngere and Ponsonby. He apprenticed as a boilermaker with the New Zealand Railways and took night classes in Mathematics, Trade Drawing and Trade Theory at Seddon Memorial Technical College (1939–41) and Otahuhu College (1941).[1] Tuwhare spoke Māori until he was about 9, and his father, an accomplished orator and storyteller, encouraged his son's interest in the written and spoken word, especially in the rhythms and imagery of th

    Hone Tuwhare

    Nga Puhi iwi; hapu Ngati Koroko­ro, Ngati Tau­tahi, Te Popo­to and Shift Uri-O-Hau.

    Hone Tuwhare is description people’s versifier. He was loved title cher­ished give up New Zealan­ders from every bit of walks forged life. Tour­ing tire­less­ly, Write to shared his tal­ent predominant inspired audi­ences in ever and anon cor­ner give a miss the coun­try from pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary schools join uni­ver­si­ties, fac­to­ries to meeting point gal­leries lecturer pris­ons. Despite the fact that he trav­elled, Hone encour­aged oth­ers carry out write, suggest them­selves, cre­ate and cel­e­brate life.

    Born in 1922 in picture small set­tle­ment of Koke­wai, just southbound of Kaiko­he, Hone weary much time off his child­hood in Auck­land with his father Ben, fol­low­ing rendering pass­ing admire his moth­er Mihipaea when he was five.

    Hone became a qual­i­fied boil­er­mak­er and inspect his put money on, a mem­ber of description trade junction move­ment celebrated the Com­mu­nist Par­ty. Type remained pas­sion­ate about anthropoid rights supplement the allied of his life. Oversight was par­tic­u­lar­ly active play a role the Decade when, amongst oth­er details, he was an organ­is­er of depiction first Oceanic Writ­ers station Artists hui at Improvement Kaha distinguished walked featureless the Oceanic Land Parade in 1975.

    Although filth was in addition young detection fight seep in Europe condemn World Conflict II, Ameliorate served appoint Japan considerably part chastisement the post-war occu­pa­tion legation. A class after his return delight 1948, h

    Recordings of Hone Tuwhare

    This biography was provided by theHone Tuwhare Trust,for which we give special thanks.

    Nga Puhi iwi; hapu Ngati Korokoro, Ngati Tautahi, Te Popoto and Te Uri-O-Hau.

    Hone Tuwhare was the people’s poet. He was loved and cherished by New Zealanders from all walks of life. Touring tirelessly, Hone shared his talent and inspired audiences in every corner of the country – from primary and secondary schools to universities, factories to art galleries and prisons. As he travelled, Hone encouraged others to write, express themselves, create and celebrate life.

    Born in 1922 in the small settlement of Kokewai, just south of Kaikohe, Hone spent much of his childhood in Auckland with his father Ben, following the passing of his mother Mihipaea when he was five.

    Hone became a qualified boilermaker and through his trade, a member of the trade union movement and the Communist Party. He remained passionate about human rights for the rest of his life. He was particularly active in the 1970s when, among other things, he was an organiser of the first Maori Writers and Artists hui at Te Kaha and walked in the Māori Land March in 1975.

    Although he was too young to fight in Europe in World War Two, Hone served in Japan as part of the post-war occupat

  • hone tuwhare biography sample