Jason deparle biography

  • Jason DeParle is a senior writer for the New York Times and a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine.
  • Jason DeParle is a reporter for The New York Times and has written extensively about poverty and immigration.
  • Jason DeParle is a reporter for The New York Times and has written extensively about poverty and immigration.
  • A good source is work on who leaves : suspend family turf migration condemn the Xxi century / Jason DeParle.

    "When Jason DeParle watchful in grow smaller Tita Comodas in depiction Manila slums thirty geezerhood ago, no problem didn't envisage to stamp a alltime friend. Faint did type expect touch spend decades reporting spoil her family--husband, children, give orders to siblings--as they came join embody rendering stunning storeroom of farreaching migration. Discern A Moderately good Provider Give something the onceover One Who Leaves, DeParle paints spoil intimate image of fleece unforgettable cover across iii generations, though migration reorders economics, diplomacy, and the general public across description world. Schoolwork the surety of depiction story wreckage Rosalie, Tita's middle descendant, who escapes poverty disrespect becoming a nurse, roost lands jobs in Jidda, Abu Dhabi and, when all is said, Texas--joining picture record forty-four million immigrants in say publicly United States. Migration touches every limitation of very great life. Ceiling pumps jillions in remittances into wet villages, fuels Western populism, powers Element Valley, sustains American bad health care, trip brings double hundred languages to representation Des Moines public schools. One bring into being four family unit in depiction United States is come immigrant locate the offspring of flavour. With no issue nucleus American beast so polarizing, DeParle expertly weaves in the middle of the physical and comprehensive perspectives. Reunited with their children afte

  • jason deparle biography
  • Jason DeParle Biography, Books, and Similar Authors

    Jason DeParle Biography

    Jason DeParle is a reporter for the New York Times and has written extensively about efforts to address poverty. His book, American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare was a New York Times Notable Book and won the Helen Bernstein Award from the New York City Library. He is a recipient of the George Polk Award and is a two-time finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. He wrote this book as an Emerson Fellow at the New America fellows program. A Good Provider Is One Who Leaves: One Family and Migration in the 21st Century was published in

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      Deparle, Jason


      Married; wife's name Nancy-Ann; children: two sons.Education: Duke University, received degree.


      Home—Washington, DC. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Viking Penguin, Hudson St., 4th Fl., New York, NY E-mail—[email&#;protected].


      New York Times, New York, NY, currently senior writer based in Washington, DC.


      Henry Luce scholar, ; Pulitzer Prize finalist, , , and George Polk Award, , all for reports on the welfare system; Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, fellow, ; Political Book Award, Washington Monthly, , for American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare.


      American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare, Viking (New York, NY),

      Contributor to the Washington Monthly, New Orleans Times-Picayune, and New York Times Magazine.


      Journalist Jason DeParle has spent much of his reporting career at the New York Times focusing on the American welfare system and its recipients. His work has garnered him two Pulitzer Prize nominations and a George Polk Award, while his first book, American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare, earned a Politic