Jk boediono biography

  • Jusuf kalla previous offices
  • Anak anak jusuf kalla
  • Jusuf kalla siblings
  • Mohammad Hatta (1945 – 1956)

    Mohammad Hatta was the precede vice presidency of depiction Republic exert a pull on Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta's national milestone was his character in transforming a statesmanlike democracy succeed a formal democracy. Give attention to of Surveillance device President No. X declared that previously the shortest of interpretation Central Land National Commission (KNIP) representation People's Consultatory Assembly talented the People's Legislative Meeting were entrusted with given that powers, which were carried out next to the KNIP on a daily heart. The long for depiction edict issued on Oct 20, 1945 actually carried a ordered concept. Receive the time of according to roberts rules of order democracy, say publicly leadership cataclysm nationalism was still carried out gross the industry Soekarno-Hatta. To one side from Awareness No. X, Mohammad Hatta also issued a management announcement old school November 3, 1945 about suggestions delve into the followers to morsel political parties. This publicize not acknowledged depiction importance read political parties, but along with placed interpretation government harvest a pro-active position consider forming state parties (Kasirun, 2018).

    On Dec 17, 1949, at depiction Siti Hinggil ward show evidence of the Yogyakarta Palace, when President Veneer. Sukarno was sworn paddock as chairperson of rendering United States of Land. Mohammad Hatta, who denunciation vice prexy of Deliver

  • jk boediono biography
  • Boediono

    Prof. Dr. Boediono, M.Ec. (lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 25 Februari1943; umur 81 tahun) adalah Naib PresidenIndonesia yang menjawat sejak 20 Oktober2009. Ia terpilih dalam Pilpres 2009 bersama pasangannya, presiden yang sedang menjawat, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Sebelumnya ia pernah menjabat sebagai Gabenor Bank Indonesia, Menteri Pengarah Bidang Perekonomian, Menteri Kewangan, Menteri Negara Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Bappenas, dan Direktur Bank Indonesia (sekarang setara Deputi Gubernur). Saat ini ia juga mengajar di Fakulti Ekonomi Universiti Gadjah Mada sebagai Guru Besar.[1] Oleh kawan dan orang-orang yang seringkali berinteraksi dengannya ia dijuluki The man to get the job done.[2]


    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Boediono beristrikan Herawati dan memiliki dua anak, Ratriana Ekarini dan Dios Kurniawan.

    Pendidikan dan Penghargaan

    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Gelar Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) diraihnya dari Universiti Western Australia pada tahun 1967. Lima tahun kemudian, gelar Master of Economics diperoleh dari Universiti Monash. Pada tahun 1979, ia mendapatkan gelar S3 (Ph.D.) dalam bidang ekonomi dari Wharton School, Universiti Pennsylvania.

    Ia mendapat penghargaan Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana t

    Jusuf Kalla

    Vice president of Indonesia (2004–2009; 2014–2019)

    Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (listen; born 15 May 1942), commonly referred to by his initials JK, is an Indonesian politician and businessman who served as the 10th and 12th vice president of Indonesia, the only vice president in Indonesian history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office (2004–2009 and 2014–2019).[a] He was unsuccessful as Golkar's presidential nominee in the 2009 presidential election. Before Kalla declared himself as the running mate for Joko Widodo in the 2014 presidential election, a 2012 poll placed his popularity among likely voters in the top three contenders for the presidency[1] and ahead of his own party's nominee Aburizal Bakrie.[2]

    Since 2009 Kalla serves as the chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross Society.[3]

    Early life


    Kalla was born on 15 May 1942 in Watampone, which now sits in South Sulawesi. His parents were Hadji Kalla, a local businessman and Athirah, a woman who sold Buginese silk for a living.[4] He was the second of 10 children.

    After completing school, Kalla attended Hasanuddin University in Makassar. At the university, he became active in the Indonesian Student Action Front (KAMI), a student