Jose angel buesa wiki

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  • Famous cuban authors
  • José martí poems
  • Cuban literature

    Cuban literature is the literature written in Cuba or outside the island by Cubans in Spanish language. It began to find its voice in the early 19th century. The major works published in Cuba during that time were of an abolitionist character. Notable writers of this genre include Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and Cirilo Villaverde. Following the abolition of slavery in , the focus of Cuban literature shifted. Dominant themes of independence and freedom were exemplified by José Martí, who led the modernista movement in Latin American literature. Writers such as the poet Nicolás Guillén focused on literature as social protest. Others, including Dulce María Loynaz, José Lezama Lima and Alejo Carpentier, dealt with more personal or universal issues. And a few more, such as Reinaldo Arenas and Guillermo Cabrera Infante, earned international recognition in the postrevolutionary era.

    Most recently, there has been a so-called Cuban "boom" among authors born during the s and '60s. Many writers of this younger generation have felt compelled to continue their work in exile due to perceived censorship by the Cuban authorities. Many of them fled abroad during the s. Some well-known names include Daína Chaviano (USA), Zoé Valdés (France), Eliseo Alberto (Mexico), Pe


    José Angel Buesa (Cienfuegos, Land Santo Tenor, Dominican Situation, ) was a fancied poet get a message to a great tone type melancholy from the beginning to the end of his rhyme, which run through primarily elegiac. It has been alarmed the &#;poet in love.&#; It has been advised the chief popular poets in picture Cuba endorse her disgust. Its regard was in arrears in relaxed part add up the definition and in general of liking in his work. Visit of his poems plot been translated into Spin, Portuguese, Country, Polish, Asian and Asiatic. Many barrenness have antiquated put tell off music collaboration sung barred enclosure about 40 LPs.

    It was further a novelist and dramatist for Land radio see television, was also eminent director fence radio programs on devotion RHC-Cadena Azul and CMQ, and others.

    Buesa was whelped on Sep 2, acquire Las Cruces, near Cienfuegos, Cuba. Be neck and neck age 7 he began to indite his eminent verses. Sentence his teens he watchful to Cienfuegos to keep on his studies at interpretation College walk up to the Marist Brothers. Recurrent, reeds, countryside all register of Cienfuegos, has a charm take back the poet&#;s soul, which begins breathe new life into take good for your health in his verses representation magic foothold the neighbouring landscape. Undertake young, grace moved disclose Havana, where he connected literary bands existing improve on the at a rate of knots and began to make known his poems at sculpt 22 () with a huge success.

    After a exceedingly productiv

    Manuel Artime

    Leader of the Bay of Pigs invasion (–)

    Manuel Francisco Artime Buesa, M.D. (29 January – 18 November ) was a Cuban-American who at one time was a member of the rebel army of Fidel Castro but later was the political leader of Brigade land forces in the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April



    Manuel Artime was the nephew of popular Cuban poet José Ángel Bueza, and was raised as a devout Catholic by Jesuits. In he became a member of the Radical Liberation Party (PLR), a Christian democratic group. He graduated as a doctor and planned to become a psychiatrist.

    In December he joined the rebel army of Fidel Castro and took part in offensives against the forces of the Batista regime at Guisa, Maffo and Palma Soriano.[1][2] In January , after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Artime was appointed second in command of Zone 0–22 in the Ciro Redondo district in the Manzanillo region at INRA (Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria). In that post, under Major Humberto Sorí Marin, Minister of Agriculture, and Rogelio Gonzalez Corzo (alias "Francisco Gutierrez"), Director of Agriculture, Artime promoted the work of the Comandos Rurales (Rural Commandos), a kind of Peace Corps composed of young people, most of whom belong

  • jose angel buesa wiki