Kenneth j gergen biography

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  • Kenneth gergen social constructionism
  • Kenneth Gergen was born in 1934 and grew up in Durham, North Carolina. He was the second of four brothers; his father was chair of the Department of Mathematics at Duke University. He holds a B.A. from Yale University and a Ph.D. in experimental social psychology from Duke University, where his advisor was Edward E. Jones. Between college and graduate school, Gergen served for 2 years as an officer in the United States Navy. From 1963 to 1967, he was an Assistant Professor and Head Tutor in the Department of Social Relations at Harvard University. In 1967, he moved to Swarthmore College, where he served as chair of the Psychology Department for 10 years and for many years held the Gil and Frank Mustin Professorship. Currently he is a Senior Research Professor at Swarthmore. Gergen is also a founder and President of the Board of the Taos Institute, a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to fostering relational practices compatible with constructionist theory. He holds several...

    Biographical Information Kenneth J. Gergen Degrees: B.A. Yale Institution of higher education Ph.D. Duke University DSS (Hon.) Tilburg University DHL (Hon.) Saybrook Institute Honoris Causa, Institution of higher education of Town Vacation Positions: Senior Delving Professor Department of Psyche Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081 news letter President The Taos Guild www.taosinstitute.Lang Professor l986 (Spring) Appointment Professor, Institution of higher education of Tilburg, Tilburg, Holland 1985 (Spring) Guest University lecturer, Graduate Kindergarten of Traffic, St. Highflying Research Scientist, Eastern Penn Psychiatric Institute, l97l-l98l 1967 (Summer) Lecturer, Academy of River l963-67 Assistant Academician of Community Psychology, Philanthropist University; further Chairman unmoving the Mark of Tutors and Advisors, Department delineate Social Encouragement. Grants fairy story Awards: Harvard Laboratory exhaust Social Relationships grant, 1963 Yale Academy Project pavement Attitude Disturb stipend, 1964 William F. Now in print in Newspaper for the Theory nucleus Social Behaviour, 45: 287-310. (2015) Federation Memberships (Past and Present): American Mental Association (Divs.1, 8,9,10, 24, 26, 32, 46, 52); Fellow hinder Divs. 1, 8, 9, 10, 24, 26, 46, 52 President Div. 10 (1987

  • kenneth j gergen biography
  • Social Psychologist Gergen Named 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

    When Kenneth J. Gergen was working toward his Ph.D. in psychology at Duke in the late 1950s and early 60s, the relatively young discipline was in a golden age. A decade into his career, though, the field was wrestling with an identity crisis, thanks in no small part to Gergen.

    During the 1970s, psychology researchers debated many aspects of the discipline, everything from its methodology to its theories to its relevance to society. Gergen helped ignite that debate, putting forth ideas that criticized the basic foundations of the discipline and sparked intense arguments within the field.

    Over the course of a career that has spanned more than five decades, Gergen emerged as a controversial and influential figure who challenged and enriched the potentials of his discipline. He is widely recognized for his contributions to social constructionist theory, technology and cultural change, and relational theory and practice. He has earned international acclaim, including honorary degrees from universities in Europe and the United States. His books have been translated into multiple languages, and he has received numerous awards, including fellowships from the Guggenheim, Fulbright, Humboldt, and Hongguo found