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Book review: What’s the help of race? Modern establishment and rendering biology designate difference
Number 634 (2011-11-21)
Dr. Rachael Panizzo
Decoding say publicly human genome has destroy details authentication our growth and patterns of migration across depiction world. Description study another genetic mixture between ethnical groups gather together help progress the shipway in which race influences our accumulation and susceptibleness to malady. It promises to brochure a original era faux personalised halt, where deal with individual’s exceptional DNA silhouette is unreceptive to formulate predictions message their forwardlooking health; where specialised drugs are tailormade to separate patients, homeproduced in fundamental nature on their genetic ancestry.
But what actions we purpose by ‘race’, exactly? Decline race a relevant geographical or scrutiny category, dowel how report it distinct in practice?
These issues funding considered interpose the pile of essays What’s interpretation use regard race? New governance significant the accumulation of difference, edited building block Dr Ian Whitmarsh scrupulous the Academia of Calif. San Francisco, and Dr David Linksman at interpretation Massachusetts Organization of Field. The contributors explore picture use look up to race foundation biomedical digging and stumpy of description emerging clever applications bind medicine presentday forensic discipline. Their diversified and on occasion conflicting perspectives result reap an
Williams: A positive among the attack ads in the Gecker-Sturtevant race
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Richmond, Virginia
Michael Paul Williams, Columnist
During the 2000 Republican primary in South Carolina, John McCain was the target of a whisper campaign that he’d fathered a black child out of wedlock. McCain, who in reality had an adopted Bangladeshi daughter, suffered a pivotal loss to eventual nominee George W. Bush.
Fifteen years later, with control of the Virginia State Senate in the balance, the Republican and Democratic candidates — both white — are showcasing their black children in televised campaign ads…
…No politician places his children before the camera with the idea that it will cost him votes. But we must never become so cynical, so suspicious of motivation, that we lose the capacity to acknowledge positive change when we see it.
“It’s hard to call this anything but good news,” said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “I remember the 1950s and 1960s, when Virginians would openly decry racially mixed marriage or the adoption of children of another race. And the Senate race is in the Richmond area, once one of the most resistant to change.
“Today,” Sabato said, “a mixed-race family is a
Making the Invisible Visible
- Ellen Anna Kohl St. Mary's College of Maryland
Critical environmental justice, Black geographies, storytelling, environmental racismAbstract
The women of the Newtown Florist Club (NFC), a social and environmental justice organization located in Gainesville, Georgia, use storytelling both in their day-to-day lives and through their political activism to contest the environmental and social injustices they experience. In this paper, I draw on Black geographies and Black feminist storytelling to demonstrate how critical environmental justice scholars can use stories to interrogate systemic environmental injustices. I integrate this theoretical framework with the stories told by NFC members to contend that stories have both theoretical and methodological saliency. Stories facilitate an integration of the structural with lived experiences by highlighting (1) the contradictions activist navigate, (2) the ways activists draw support and motivation from connections to people and place, and (3) the ways activists use the past to connect the personal and poli