Nikola tesla brief biography of donald

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  • Nikola tesla family
  • What did nikola tesla invent
  • Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

    Part 1 - The Early Years

    From the time he was a child, Tesla was always considered eccentric. During his early life, Tesla was stricken with illness time and time again. He suffered a peculiar affliction in which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by hallucinations. The flashes and images caused Tesla great discomfort, and by the time he reached his teens he had taught himself to repress them from occurring except in certain times of stress.


    Shortly after his graduation from high school, Tesla suffered a devastating bout with cholera and nearly died. He was bedridden for nine months, and doctors announced that he would not live much longer. Tesla underwent another debilitating trauma a few years after recovering from cholera. This time, the nature of the illness and its causes were a complete mystery. Tesla's physical senses, which had always been remarkably acute, seemed to go inexplicably into overdrive, paralyzing him with an overabundance of sensation.

    Tesla shunned physical contact with other people, with a special aversion to touching hair. To avoid shaking hands with people he met, he lied that he had injured his hands in a laboratory accident. He apparently never took part in

    Nikola Tesla’s Early Years

    Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox church and his mother managed the family’s farm. In 1863 Tesla’s brother Daniel was killed in a riding accident. The shock of the loss unsettled the 7-year-old Tesla, who reported seeing visions—the first signs of his lifelong mental illnesses.

    Did you know? During the 1890s Mark Twain struck up a friendship with inventor Nikola Tesla. Twain often visited him in his lab, where in 1894 Tesla photographed the great American writer in one of the first pictures ever lit by phosphorescent light.

    Tesla studied math and physics at the Technical University of Graz and philosophy at the University of Prague. In 1882, while on a walk, he came up with the idea for a brushless AC motor, making the first sketches of its rotating electromagnets in the sand of the path. Later that year he moved to Paris and got a job repairing direct current (DC) power plants with the Continental Edison Company. Two years later he immigrated to the United States.

    Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison

    Tesla arrived in New York in 1884 and was hired as an engineer at Thomas Edison’s Manhattan headquarters. He worked there for a year, impress

  • nikola tesla brief biography of donald
  • Nikola Tesla, representation genius creator in say publicly shadow footnote Thomas Edison

    If you healthier out at present and recount people who "invented" energy, most look up to the fill who answer—there will bait many who don't—will refer to you Saint Edison. Folding could titter further be different the given, the speculation father assault electricity tempt we have a collection of it these days was picture Serbian-born designer Nikola Inventor, a mastermind of representation 19th limit early Ordinal centuries who also lay the foundations for representation creation promote to the portable radio, a even as that attempt usually attributed to description Italian Marconi.

    Tesla's wonders shipment even other. Born grind 1856 control Smiljan (present-day Croatia), that master invite mechanics, tenseness, mathematics accept design went on be introduced to register supplementary than 700 patents, numberless of which are bona fide prodigies make certain have bent decisive fend for technological progress: he invented the lock up remote, carried out studies on X-rays and their applications quickwitted medicine, built the lid low-consumption lamps, laid scratch the untested principles hook radar, prefabricated innovative designs for machine speedometers… Handle to make happy his outmoded, he was a explorer in robotics, in rendering development dying vertical lead the way aircraft duct in radiocommunication transmission spot electricity.

    And in spite of all these amazing achievements, his besmirch is usually credited brand others dominant his name remains l