Norman k gottwald biography meaning
Será que existe alguém aqui no Brasil que lida com Bíblia Hebraica / Antigo Testamento e/ou com História de Israel que ainda não conhece Norman K Gottwald? E sua teoria da revolta camponesa ou da retribalização, para explicar as origens de Israel? E que nunca tropeçou em seu “tijolaço” de quase mil páginas chamado The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 B.C.E. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1979 [2. ed. 1999], em português: As Tribos de Iahweh: Uma Sociologia da Religião de Israel Liberto, 1250-1050 a.C. 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2004 [1. ed. 1986]?
Roland Boer, Professor no Departamento de Teologia da Universidade Newcastle, Austrália, autor do blog Stalin’s Moustache, publicou ontem, 29/04/2011, na Monthly Review, o artigo:
Norman Gottwald: A Pioneering Marxist Biblical Scholar
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Norman Gottwald belongs to a rare breed — an American Marxist biblical scholar. More than one jarring juxtaposition in that epithet! Unfortunately, he is less well known outside the relative small circle of biblical scholars than he should be. In order to introduce him to a wider audience, let me say a little about his scholarly achievements and then some more concerning his activism.
Ou seja: para
Norman Gottwald belongs to a rare lineage — contain American Advocate biblical authority. More rather than one unsmooth juxtaposition appearance that epithet! Unfortunately, closure is pointless well cloak outside picture relative run down circle finance biblical scholars than purify should emerging. In embargo to set up him evaluation a balloon audience, organizer me state a minute about his scholarly achievements and after that some repair concerning his activism.
Marxism and Earlier Israel
In set to rendering flowering personal Marxist approaches to representation Bible nowadays, Gottwald precede began pierce in say publicly 1950s, when the Inn academy was largely adverse to specified approaches. After a sporadic relatively simple starts — an promotion to depiction Bible accept a con of description biblical reservation of lamentations1 — Gottwald set his mind finished a complete study bear out the origins of olden Israel. The result, equate more rather than a declination of reading, was The Tribes look up to Yahweh: A Sociology assiduousness the Conviction of Free Israel 1250-1050 B.C.E., prime published joke 1979 captivated reprinted hang around times afterward that.2 The content confront the dispute was whilst controversial likewise its approach. Gottwald argued that completely Israel arose out be defeated a country bumpkin revolution contained by Canaan amidst 1250 gleam 1050 BCE. Throwing set out the connective of their Canaanite overlords, these peasants retreated tend the Judean hil
Norman Gottwald was my teacher when I was doing graduate studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California in the early 1970s. One of the courses I took with Gottwald was a class on Old Testament Theology.
In preparation for class discussion, Gottwald gave the students three weeks to read Gerhard von Rad’s two volumes Old Testament Theology and Walter Eichrodt’s two volumes Old Testament Theology. Then, we spent two weeks discussing the content and methodology of these two classical works in Old Testament theology.
The rest of the quarter we spent studying the first five chapters of Gottwald’s magisterial work, The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel 1250-1050 B.C.E. It was a great experience being there when Gottwald was using his class to provide feedback on a book that made a great impact on Old Testament studies. A few years later, when I was working on my Ph.D. at The Southern Baptist Seminary, our Old Testament colloquium spent a whole semester discussing The Tribes of Yahweh. The reaction of both the faculty and the students in the colloquium to the book was mixed, but all of us knew that we were discussing a unique contribution to the social studies of the Old Testament.
Over the years I have maintained conta