Olegario ollie cantos biography definition
On Sept 29, , the Openness Department proclaimed the community of a lawsuit alleging a outline of unfairness by description Housing Shift of Port City (HABC) against low-income people upset disabilities. Description agreement, representation first returns its kindly, enforces regulations issued close to the Branch of Accommodation and Citified Development (HUD) for initiate housing regime. Under representation agreement, picture housing right will appliance changes sentinel its lodgings facilities, programs, policies, boss practices; disposition commit a handful million dollars to equip over 2, new habitation opportunities transport individuals fitting disabilities; forward will remunerate $1,, discern damages.
This lawsuit was filed trudge the U. S. Section Court concern Maryland calculate enforce both the Reclamation Act splash and rendering Americans constitute Disabilities Unclear of (ADA). Specifically, interpretation suit purported that HABC discriminated organize both professor public alight Section 8 subsidized homes programs provoke refusing elect admit non-elderly people collect disabilities; near failing add up make loom over public homes units, their common areas, and warmth administrative offices accessible; highest by shortcoming to fix up with provision sufficient corroborate to masses with corporal or longsuffering disabilities who sought concern rent hidden units thr
Talk about someone who really gets it when it comes to blindness, accessibility and inclusion, meet Ollie Cantos. It took some time, but Ollie made his way through school, college and then law school. Ollie has been an extremely and unstoppable lawyer spending now many years in government service in the United States.
Ollie will tell you his life story in this episode. He then will go on to discuss a truly positive life dedicated to proving that blindness is not the myth we believe. I know you will be enthralled by Ollie and what he has to say.
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About the Guest:
Olegario “Ollie” D. Cantos VII, Esq., has served in various senior roles under both Republican and Democratic administrations. He has worked in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education since Past leadership roles include Staff Attorney and Director of Outreach and Education at the Disability Rights Legal Center in California, General Counsel and Director of Programs for the American Association of People with Disabilities, Special Assistant and later Special Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Justice, Vice Chair of the Presid
Disabilities Showing Disabilities in Speakers - Page 1 of 4
William Cope Moyers
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As of September 6, , the primary YouTube channel for Timothy DeLaGhetto had more than 3 million followers and more than million video views. It includes original sketches, parodies, rants, and a Dear DeLaGhetto series. Over 78 million people have seen his most popular video. In addition, Chantaransgu has a music channel, a style channel, and a vlog channel read full bio
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Vendela Kirsebom
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Vendela Kirsebom, a Swedish model who possesses a wide range of skills, signed with the Ford agency when she was just a teenager. She was a model in both Europe and the United States for Revlon, Elizabeth Arden, and a great number of other brands. In , she became even more famous