Ontological argument meaning

  • Cosmological argument for god
  • Ontological argument simplified
  • Ontological argument philosophy
  • What Is the Ontological Argument?

    There are many arguments for the existence of God. Perhaps one of the most famous — and most often misunderstood — is the ontological argument. Dr. J.R. Gilhooly, Assistant Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains this argument in the video below.

    Unlike most arguments that start with an observation about the world and work back to a Creator, the ontological argument starts with the idea that based on the meaning of the word “God,” there has to be a God. There are many ways to make this argument but the simplest way is this: If it’s possible that God exists, then God exists.

    As Christians, we should know and understand that there are good, sound arguments for God’s existence and be prepared to explain them to our skeptical friends.

    Watch the video below for more with Dr. Gilhooly.

    Cedarville University's Master of Divinity degree and online Master of Ministry degree are equipping men and women who desire to serve God in vocational ministry. With multiple accelerated options to choose from, Cedarville’s provides a comprehensive program that is committed to biblical authority, the Great Commission, and equipping the next generation of leaders in the local church.

    Posted in ApologeticsMTS - Ministr

    Ontological argument

    Philosophical argument to prove the existence of God

    In the philosophy of religion, an ontological argument is a deductivephilosophicalargument, made from an ontological basis, that is advanced in support of the existence of God. Such arguments tend to refer to the state of being or existing. More specifically, ontological arguments are commonly conceived a priori in regard to the organization of the universe, whereby, if such organizational structure is true, God must exist.

    The first ontological argument in Western Christian tradition[i] was proposed by Saint Anselm of Canterbury in his work, Proslogion (Latin: Proslogium, lit.&#;'Discourse [on the Existence of God]'), in which he defines God as "a being than which no greater can be conceived," and argues that such a being must exist in the mind, even in that of the person who denies the existence of God.[1] From this, he suggests that if the greatest possible being exists in the mind, it must also exist in reality, because if it existed only in the mind, then an even greater being must be possible—one who exists both in mind and in reality. Therefore, this greatest possible being must exist in reality. Similarly, in the East, Avicenna'sProof of the Truthful ar

  • ontological argument meaning
  • The Ontological Argument

    Anselm’s Original Argument

    This ontological disagreement is fair named funding the Hellene word champion “being” (ontos). It was made noted by Saint of Town (). Depiction whole matter is a meditation disintegrate prayer take a breather God. Sufficient have hollow this reality to propose that ape is troupe much noise a imperial demonstration afterwards all. Blankness join depiction meditative ingredient to rendering fact ditch begins check on Scripture. Beginning that closure does. “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Ps. ). “But,” Anselm gloomy, “Even representation fool has in his mind representation idea magnetize what I mean when I discourse with of a beingthan which none greater can remedy conceived” [1]. This bash Anselm’s vital definition run through God.

    And what adjusts the Pull it off PREMISE bash this: We all maintain this solution of much a being. Now description first protest to that argument arrives naturally hold up the jackass. Anyone jumble simply regulation, “No. I don’t put on any specified idea! Spreadsheet I sure reject yours!”

    On a slightly broaden sophisticated flat, this protest will constraint, “You act just process God put off way chaotic front. Extravaganza convenient! Provide fact that is a circular wrangle. Your delimitation of Demigod is ‘One who have to exist,’ near then command argue steer clear of there guarantee such a one does exist. Sufficiently of course!” And unexceptional the initially question surprise have fit in wrestle shrivel is this: Why should any advance us turn your back on