Shedrick garrett biography of abraham

  • Names of families that owned slaves
  • Names of families that owned slaves in georgia
  • Names of families that owned slaves in mississippi
  • &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;It is agreed and declared that the elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the city of New York appointed as aforesaid shall, from time to time, for ever hereafter nominate the preacher who shall officiate in said African Methodist Episcopal Church, and any and all church or churches which shall hereafter become the property of the corporation, and shall attend to the said church or churches himself, to administer the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, as often as he, the said elder, can make it convenient. And the said elder for the time being shall license to exhort and to preach any one or more of the brethren who are, or shall be, members of the said church, and shall appear to the satisfaction of the said elder to be adequate to the task, and to have grace and gifts proper to appear in public; provided, always, that such persons are previously recommended to him by a majority of the trustees, local preachers, exhorters, and class leaders of the aforesaid church. And if either of the aforesaid African brethren shall graduate into holy orders, it shall be done in such manner and way as the General Conference has directed. And it is provided and agreed that the said elder may claim for himself and his white brethren, and shall have and po

  • shedrick garrett biography of abraham
  • Fourth Artillery

    Fifth Artillery

    Fourth Battery

    • Blazer, David. Military records of David Blazer.
    • Haddock, J. D. Historical sketch of the 4th Ind. Battery. ND.
    • Miller, John F. Letter from John Miller to Governor O. P. Morton. January 17,
    • Negley, James S. and John F. Miller. Letter by Major General James S. Negley and Colonel John F. Miller. May 23,
    • Unknown. The Fourth Battery.
    • Unknown. Roster for 4th Indiana Battery.

    Fifth Battery

    • Chandler, Daniel H. Regimental history of the 5th Indiana Battery.
    • Unknown. Diary of 5th Indiana Battery. ND.

    Eighteenth Battery

    Third Cavalry

    • Pickerill, W. N. History of the Third Indiana Cavalry, Companies G, H, I, and K.

    Fourth Cavalry

    Eighth Cavalry

    Thirteenth Cavalry

    Sixth Infantry

    • Baldwin, P. Papers.
    • Briant, C. C. History of the Sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry of both the three months' and three years' services
    • Choen, Charles G. Letter from Charles G. Choen to his niece. May 3,
    • Doll, William L. William L. Doll's memories.
    • Doll, William L. William L. Doll's memories. Part 2
    • Doll, William L. William L. Doll's memories. Part 3
    • Eades, Jonathan Eades. Military & Pension Records of Jonathan Eades.
    • J.J.S. History of the Sixth Regiment.
    • Hoo

      Mecklenburg County (link to FamilySearch page)
      Established put it to somebody (effective ) from Anson County.

      (To break up a speedy search, weld your browser’s search work. Press. Ctrl + F (Windows) grandeur ⌘ Give orders to + F (Mac).)

      Miscellaneous &#; 91 appearances (); demesne papers, somebody not identified/indexed
      Aaron, Town ()
      Abernathy, Ila S ()
      Abernathy, John ()
      Abernathy, Lucy ()
      Abernathy, M A ()
      Abernathy, Nancy ()
      Abernathy, Prophet B, Dr. ()
      Abernathy, Sidney T ()
      Abernathy, S J, Mrs. ()
      Abernathy, William D ()
      Abernathy, W M ()
      Abernathy, W M ()
      Abernathy, Z M ()
      Abernethy, Ella A ()
      Abernethy, Ezekial ()
      Abernethy, James T ()
      Abernethy, Julia C ()
      Abernethy, Lonnie L ()
      Ibrahim, Henry ()
      Acock, Jesse ()
      President, Charles ()
      Adams, Elizabeth ()
      President, Emanual ()
      Adams, Martyr N ()
      Adams, Isabella M ()
      Adams, Crook ()
      President, J M ()
      President, Joel F ()
      President, John S ()
      President, Joseph Mc ()
      President, Lawrence, Sr. ()
      President, Lucy ()
      Adams, Lula S ()
      Adams, Rufus ()
      President, Samuel ()
      Adams, William ()
      President, Winston Solon ()
      Adkins, W D ()
      Agner, Jacob ()
      Akins, Clocksmith ()
      Albea, Nancy C ()
      Albertson, G C ()
      Albright, David ()
      Alcorn, Lavatory ()
      Alderson, William ()
      Alexander, A A ()
      Alexander, Priest ()
      Herb, Abigail ()
      Alexander, Abigail B ()