Susan saunders author biography examples

  • Susan Saunders is a health coach, author and TV producer.
  • Reluctantly journeying to her estranged grandfather's Texas ranch, Jamie Cooper spends her entire summer's allowance rescuing a horse and faces the challenge.
  • She discusses the ups and downs of indie publishing, as well as her start in children's book writing.
  • The Green Slime

    December 28, 2024
    Fantastical premises were the foundation for a few of Susan Saunders's Bantam Skylark Choose Your Own Adventures, and before The Creature from Miller's Pond, Attack of the Monster Plants, or You Are Invisible, she gave us The Green Slime. You're excited to try out the chemistry set your aunt Beth gave you as a birthday gift, but for the moment you have to babysit your four-and-a-half-year-old cousin Stevie. He's a whirling dervish, wrecking things all over your bedroom, but finally seems to have slowed down and be napping on your bed. When you and your friend Jan are conversing downstairs and hear him giggling, you feel uneasy. Should you run and check on him?

    Stevie, it turns out, has been meddling with your chemistry set. If you go upstairs right away, there's noxious green slime bubbling in a dish he holds. You can direct Jan to pour it down the sink, but soon a river of the green stuff is overflowing the bathroom and across your bedroom floor. Its tendrils reach up to nab Stevie on the bed. The window might be your only escape, but can you retrieve your cousin too? You could try a daring experiment and feed rubber to the slime, which it seems to enjoy, but what if it exits the house searching for more? Whatever you do, don't le

    Newest Release

    • Bibliography:

      104 Books (7 Series)

    • First Book:

      Nov 1982

    • Latest Book:

      Jan 2002

    • Author Rating:
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    Full Keep fit List establish Order

    All-American Puppies

    1 - Different Pup go back to the Brick (Mar-2001)
    2 - Lack of sympathy the Forceful of Interest (Jan-2001)
    3 - Campsite Barkalot (May-2001)
    4 - Uptown Dog, Downtown Pups (Jul-2001)
    5 - Puppysaurus (Sep-2001)

    Bad News Bunny

    1 - Ordinal Prize Take the wind out of your sails (Mar-1987)
    2 - Lessen to Hue (Mar-1987)
    3 - Interpose the Presses! (May-1987)
    5 - Caught in interpretation Act (Sep-1987)
    6 - Narrow Break out (Nov-1987)

    The Black Bozo Club

    1 - The Phantom Who Rein in Chocolate (Aug-1996)
    2 - The Cursed Skateboard (Aug-1996)
    3 - The Oath of rendering Cat Momma (Mar-1997)
    4 - Representation Ghost run through Spirit Cork (Jun-1997)
    5 - Depiction Revenge lady the Filibuster Ghost (Sep-1997)
    6 - The Apparition Pen Boss (Aug-1997)
    7 - Say publicly Case mimic the Look Surprise (Jan-1998)
    8 - The Shivery Tale make stronger Crescent Pool (Jan-1998)
    9 - Picture Creature Plane Feature (May-1998)
    10 - The Supernatural Camp-Out (Jun-1998)

    Double R Detectives

    1 - The Argue of picture Dude Cattle farm Rustlers (Jan-1995)
    2 - The Phantom Mystery (Jan-1995)

    Neptune Adventures

    1 - Hazard on Grump Island (Apr-1998)
    2 - Disaster use Parsons Spotlight (Apr-1998)
    3 - Percoidean Trap (Jun-1998)
    4 - Stranding recover Cedar Displease (Aug-19

    Crustless Spinach and Tomato Quiche
    (#gluten free #paleo friendly)
    By Susan Saunders
    Susan’s Children’s Books Can Be Purchased Here

    Here is quick quiche recipe that is easy to prepare and delicious. You won’t even miss the carb-loaded crust from traditional quiche recipes. Make it for guests, and they will think you are a gourmet chef. Make it for your family, and your kids may not complain about eating their veggies! Or make it for yourself, and enjoy. It is good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This crustless quiche also freezes well. Reheat in the microwave for a fast meal.

    You will need:

    9 inch pie pan (glass Pyrex pan is ideal)
    Cooking spray
    4 eggs
    1 cup of milk (2% reduced fat milk used here)
    3/4 cup of sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
    1/2 cup of parmesan cheese (grated)
    1 tbsp of cream cheese (reduced fat, light, or regular)
    12 oz. package of frozen spinach
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 cup of diced tomatoes
    1 tbsp chopped garlic
    2 tbsp of diced onion
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

    Defrost and warm the spinach. Drain in a colander. Set aside.

    Whisk eggs, milk; and add salt and pepper. Stir in the softened cream cheese. Set aside.

    In a skillet, sauté the garlic and onions. Stir in tomatoes, do not over cook.


  • susan saunders author biography examples