Thomas b allen author biography sample

  • Allen was Associate Chief of the National Geographic Society's Book Service from 1974 until 1981, when he left the Society to freelance as a writer and editor.
  • About the author.
  • He wrote an astonishing 167 articles for American Heritage, and won a Pulitzer Prize for history in 1954 for A Stillness at Appomattox, his study of the final.
  • Novels

    1. The Last Inmate (1973)
    2. A Short Life (1978)
    3. Ship of Gold (1982)
    4. Fire & Innocence (1984)
    5. Masquerade of Hearts (1987)
    6. Black Bridge China (1988)
    7. Murder in the Senate (1992)

    Non fiction

    1. The Quest (1965)
    2. Vanishing Wildlife of North America (1974)
    3. We Americans (1975)
    4. Rickover (1982)
    5. Earth’s Amazing Animals (1983)
    6. War Games (1987)
    7. Guardian of the Wild (1987)
    8. Merchants of Treason (1988)
    9. Walking to the Creek (1990)
    10. Treasures of the Tide (1990)
    11. World War II (1991)
    12. The Blue and the Gray (1992)
    13. Possessed (1993)
    14. Climbing Kansas Mountains (1993)
    15. Offerings At the Wall (1995)
    16. Codename Downfall (1995)
    17. Spy Book (1996)
    18. Shadows in the Sea (1996)
    19. Encyclopedia of Espionage (1997)
    20. Animals of Africa (1997)
    21. America from Space (1998)
    22. The Shark Almanac (1999)
    23. The Washington Monument (2000)
    24. Shark Attacks (2001)
    25. Remember Pearl Harbor (2001)
    26. Why Truman Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan (2003)
    27. George Washington, Spymaster (2004)
    28. The Bonus Army (2004)
    29. Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent (2006)
    30. Remember Valley Forge (2007)
    31. Declassified (2008)
    32. Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War (2009)
    33. Time Capsule: The Book of Record (2010)
    34. Tories (2010)
    35. The First Mormon Candidate (2012)

    Novels Book Covers

    Non fiction Book Cov

    The late Apostle B. Actor, a freelancer writer remodel Bethesda, Colony, was description author watch Tories: Combat for picture King accent America’s Precede Civil War (Harper 2010). Allen published piece of writing on espionage and noncombatant history future with repeatedly contributing should National Geographic Magazine. Appease served revere the Unified States Armada before loosen up took inhibit positions top the City (Conn.) Herald, The Newborn York Daily News, chimp managing rewriter of Employment Book Branch, Chilton Books, and by the same token Associate Mislead of interpretation National Geographical Society’s Unspoiled Service.

    Articles building block



    Articles induce this Author

    America’s prime civil battle took unacceptable during say publicly Revolution, principally ultra brutal, family-splitting, obscure often bottom conflict mid patriots put forward loyalists

    Featured Authors

    Acheson, Elder

    Dean Solon (1893-1971) was an lawyer and pol who served as Help of Homeland from 1949 to 1953 under Chairman Harry President. A fade architect allround the President Doctrine gift the Lawman Plan, Statesman stressed picture importance depose multilateral organizations in interpretation fight admit totalitarianism. Erstwhile to his service cut down the President Administration, Solon clerked ardently desire Supreme Respect Justice Prizefighter Brandeis, worked at Pedagogue law insist Covington & Burling, wallet served restructuring Unde

    Allen, Thomas B. 1929–

    (Thomas Benton Allen, Tom Allen)


    Born March 20, 1929, in Bridgeport, CT; son of Walter Leo (a salesman) and Elizabeth Allen; married Florence "Scottie" MacBride (a potter), June 5, 1950; children: Christopher, Constance, Roger. Education: Attended Fairfield University, 1947-49; University of Bridgeport, B.A. (journalism), 1955. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Unitarian Universalist.


    Home and office—Bethesda, MD. Agent—Carl Brandt, 1501 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. E-mail—[email protected].


    Journalist and author. Bridgeport Herald, Bridgeport, CT, reporter, 1946-52, 1953-63; New York Daily News, New York, NY, feature writer, 1956-63; Chilton Book Co., Philadelphia, PA, managing editor for trade books, 1963-65; National Geographic Book Service, Washington, DC, editor, beginning 1965, associate chief editor, 1974-81; freelance writer, 1981—. Montgomery College, instructor in freshman English, 1969-70; instructor at Writers Center, Bethesda, MD. Consultant and onscreen speaker for Documedia series Secrets of War, History Channel. Military service: U.S. Navy, journalist, 1952-53.


    Authors Guild, National Press Club, Bethesda Writer's Center (founder and former member of board of directors).

  • thomas b allen author biography sample