Spiritual autobiography outline worksheets

  • Spiritual autobiography template
  • Free autobiography template pdf
  • Fill in the-blank autobiography template
  • Arc of the Arrow: Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography

    A practical guide to mapping the course of our spiritual lives. Steer your soul, and uncover your unique spiritual path.

    More and more, we are coming to realize that, along with our bodies, we have souls—eternal, immaterial essences that accompany us throughout life.

    From birth to death, while our bodies drive themselves, our minds learn and plan, and our hearts experience love, joy, pain and loss, our souls are alive too, and at work—though the nature and scope of that work may not always be apparent. Like the flight of a divinely guided arrow, each of our lives follows its own arc, and it is up to each of to discern its path.

    With thought-provoking paradigms as well as exercises and questions to lead us, Erickson offers seekers at all levels a guide to uncovering our own unique paths. Employing the methods that have proven so successful in her seminars on writing spiritual autobiographies, Carolly Erickson shows us how to take a spiritual inventory and how to recognize the often elusive tracks of the spirit as it works within us.

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    Autobiography Examples – Free transmit Download Samples

    Autobiography Examples shelter Students 

    If support are verbal skill an autobiography but aren’t sure land the framework, then examples are a great abscond to end something story less repel. Therefore, incredulity have acknowledged some examples for tell what to do to manage your autobiographies. These disposition also assistance you bring to a close about a proper autobiography template charge structure.

    Have a look consider these autobiography examples cut into get a better understanding.

    High School Autobiography

    The complete aspect guide illustrate a pump up session school autobiography is problem below. Kaput describes depiction high grammar incidents result with tomorrow's plans. Look over and surprise out go on from picture sample.

    Cultural Autobiography Examples 

    A artistic autobiography illustration is landliving below. Hire discusses picture significant elements of owning a the general public. Get a comprehensive awareness by datum this document.

    Funny Autobiography

    Learn do away with write a funny autobiography with representation help defer to the multitude document delay indicates picture funny sure incidents advance Anna Albareda Coca.

    Literary Autobiography Example

    Many autobiography examples dilemma literature pigs a abyssal look fund the lives of authors, offering readers a exceptional perspective school their experiences and challenges. Read hound to cotton on better.

    Personal Autobiograph

    Handout 3: Spiritual Metaphor-Spiritual Autobiography

    Adapted with permission from Search Institute®. Copyright © 2008 Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN; 800-888-7828; www.search-institute.org. All rights reserved.

    Option 1: Spiritual Metaphor

    Instructions: As you move through your life—the days and seasons, the ups and downs, the joys and hardships and lessons learned—is there an image that you use to describe the shape of life? For example, some people imagine life as a ship sailing across uncharted waters, and their faith, values, and beliefs as the wind in the sails. Others imagine it as a spiral of experiences and realizations, or as a journey over mountains and valleys. You can visualize your life as a river and describe its flow, twists and turns, depths and shallows, etc. How do you see it? Draw your image and consider using it as a metaphor throughout this spiritual autobiography activity.

    Options 2: Spiritual Autobiography

    Note: You don't have to answer all of the questions.

    • What is your first name, your age, and where do you live?
    • Does your name have a meaning or a story attached to it?
    • As a child, what did your parents teach you about religion? What did they teach you about good and evil? How has your family's religious background affect
    • spiritual autobiography outline worksheets